Lori Saint-Martin
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About / Bio
Lori Saint-Martin is a professor of literature at UQAM. In addition to a non-fiction work on literary translation, "Un bien nécessaire, éloge de la traduction littéraire", she has published three short story collections, a novel, a work of creative non-fiction, "Pour qui je me prends" ,several scholarly books and many papers in the field of Quebec literature and women’s studies. With Paul Gagné, she has translated more than 120 novels, poetry collections, and non-fiction works. They won the John Glassco Prize in 1993, the QWF Translation Prize in 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2016, and the Governor General’s Literary Award in 2000, 2007, 2015 and 2018.
English -> French
Literary Types
- Non fiction
- Poetry
- Fiction
Selected Bibliography
- JARMAN, Mark Anthony, "19 couteaux" (19 Knives), Les Allusifs, 2008
- ANGELOU, Maya "Tant que je serai noire", Les Allusifs, 2008
- FALCONE, J.M., "Le violoneux masqué et moi", La courte échelle, 2008
- KLEIN, Naomi, "La stratégie du choc. La montée d’un capitalisme du désastre" (The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism), Leméac/Actes Sud, 2008
- MARTINI, Clem, "Le jugement" (The Judgment Kids), La Courte Échelle, 2008
- RICHLER, Noah, "Mon pays, c’est un roman" (This Is My Country, What's Yours?), Éditions du Boréal, 2008
- NOLEN, Stephanie, "28 témoins du sida en Afrique" (Stories of AIDS in Africa), Leméac/Actes Sud, 2008
- SMITH, Neil, "Big Bang" (Bang Crunch), Les Allusifs, 2007
- MARTINI, Clem, "La peste" (The Plague), La Courte Échelle, 2007
- GILMOUR, David, "Une nuit rêvée pour aller en Chine" (A Perfect Night to Go to China), Leméac/Actes Sud, 2007