Diana Manole
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Affiliations: The League of Canadian Poets, Literary Managers & Dramaturgs of the Americas (LMDA), Romanian Writers Association
Catégorie d’adhérent :
De plein droit
Roumain -> Anglais
Anglais -> Roumain
Genres Littéraires
- Essai
- Jeunesse
- Poésie
- Roman et Nouvelle
- Théâtre
Bibliographie Sélective
- Nora Iuga, "The Hunchbacks’ Bus - Autobuzul cocosatilor." Translated from Romanian to English and with an introduction by Adam J. Sorkin and Diana Manole. Fayetteville, NY: The Bitter Oleander Press (2017)
- Fiona Sampson, „Întoarce-te” (“Come Down”). Poems. Translated from English to Romanian by Diana Manole. Tracus Arte, 2019 (forthcoming)
- Diana Manole, "The Child Who Didn't Want to Be Born." Translated from Romanian to English by the author. "Ecumenica: Journal of Theatre and Performance." Rhodes College, Memphis, Tennessee, US. Spring 2017.