Bobby Theodore’s Delicious Dream at the Maison de la littérature
The translation residency at La maison de la littérature lives inside me like a delicious dream… In this dream, I shared an apartment with François Archambault. The apartment [...]
The translation residency at La maison de la littérature lives inside me like a delicious dream… In this dream, I shared an apartment with François Archambault. The apartment [...]
How does one attempt to translate literary giants? In a previous post, I had urged fellow translators to do what they can in trying to fill in the [...]
In our world of Translation, of which I must admit having only a theoretical and quasi-experiential knowledge, the reasons why a literary work is translated into another language [...]
Recently I was reading poet and translator Oana Avasilichioaei’s 2015 book Limbinal. For the most part, the collection consists of work that isn’t translation. However, a little over halfway [...]
Student member of the Literary Translators’ Association of Canada (LTAC) and PhD student at the University of Ottawa’s School of Translation and Interpretation, Stephen Slessor received a Joseph-Armand [...]
Canadian-American poet Molly Peacock stated that poetry was the most provincial form of art. Yet, this insight did not hold her back from making her poetry global through [...]
It’s August, which means it’s Women in Translation Month! Created in 2014, this initiative highlights the work of women writers and translators around the world. Although August [...]