Caroline Lavoie’s French translation of Danny Ramadan’s La Balançoire de jasmin (Mémoire d’encrier) was launched during Pride Montreal on August 16th as part of the Festival Fierté MTL at Librairie L’Eugélionne (1426 Beaudry). The novel tells the epic tale of a couple whose love bears the marks of a Syria torn by war. Here’s an expert from the press release:
“Quand j’étais petit garçon, j’écrivais des histoires pour survivre. Aujourd’hui, je te raconte des histoires dans l’espoir de te sauver la vie. Tu te soulèves lentement, allumes la lampe:— Raconte-moi une histoire.”
Caroline is an editor and certified translator, and was previously editor-in-chief of K1N. This latest translation is her sixth title with Mémoire d’encrier. She has also translated Margaret Lawrence, Thomas King, and Seymour Mayne.