Jonathan Kaplansky‘s translation The Cry of Vertières: Memory, Liberation, and the Making of Haiti (by Jean Pierre Le Glaunec) was published with McGill-Queens University Press earlier this summer. From the Press: “This book tells the story of the Battle of Vertières, fought in 1803 between indigenous Haitian forces under the leadership of Jean-Jacques Dessalines and a French expeditionary army commanded by Napoleon. The battle marked the culmination of a thirteen-year revolutionary struggle to end slavery and the dawn of an independent Haiti. Yet despite its pivotal importance to the history of Haiti, France, and the Americas, the Battle of Vertières has been struck from the record.” To read more, click here
Mélanie Beauchamp est ravie d’annoncer qu’une de ses traductions sera publiée dans le numéro d’octobre-novembre de la revue Brins d’éternité. Il s’agit d’une traduction du texte The Zombie Farm paru dans Joyland Magazine et écrit par Joel Tomfohr. Restez à l’affût!