Karen Simon nous fait part de la parution de A Mom, une traduction du livre pour enfants Une Maman de Mathieu Lavoie.
Genni Gunn has two new books to announce. Her poetry collection Accidents (Signature Editions) was recently featured on All Lit Up: Poetry in Motion and the book trailer can be viewed here. Her novel Tracing Iriswas also translated into Italian by Margherita Piva, and published by Les Flaneurs Edizioni under the title Alla Ricerca di Iris. She looks forward to an Italian tour in the fall!
Émilie Laramée’s translation of Su J Sokol’s Cycling to Asylum, Les lignes invisibles, was published by VLB Imaginaire in June.
Sous la supervision de Louis Jolicoeur, le recueil de nouvelles Stations de Nick Mulgrew a été traduit par sept étudiantes du Département de langues, linguistique et traduction de l’Université Laval et publié chez les Éditions L’Instant même.
Book*hug recently published Remnants, Aleshia Jensen’s English translation of Céline Huyghebaert’s Governor General’s Literary Award-winning novel Le drap blanc.
Katia Grubisic’s translation A Knife in the Sky, originally published by Éditions du Remue-ménage in 2015 as Femmes au temps des carnassiers, was released by Inanna Publications in June. Watch Agnant introduce the translation and Grubisic read from the novel here.
On Thursday August 11, Elaine Kennedy will be launching Toronto, I Love You (Mawenzi House Publishers), her translation of Didier Leclair’s award-winning Toronto, je t’aime. The event will take place from 6pm to 8pm at Hart House at the University of Toronto in the Debates Room and will feature a conversation between the author, translator and special guest, writer Paul Savoie. RSVP here.