September 2020
Jonathan Kaplansky's translation The Cry of Vertières: Memory, Liberation, and the Making of Haiti (by Jean Pierre Le Glaunec) was published with McGill-Queens University Press earlier this summer. [...]
Jonathan Kaplansky's translation The Cry of Vertières: Memory, Liberation, and the Making of Haiti (by Jean Pierre Le Glaunec) was published with McGill-Queens University Press earlier this summer. [...]
La plus récente traduction de Nicolas Calvé vient de paraître chez Boréal. Jean-Baptiste décapité, ouvrage très original et très éclairant de la sociologue de la culture Geneviève Zubrzycki. [...]
Aimee Wall and Peter McCambridge are having a double-launch with QC Books, an imprint of Barak Books, and Book*hug at La Petite Librairie Drawn & Quarterly on Thursday [...]
Aimee Wall's translation of Drama Queens by Vicky Gendreau was launched in late October by Bookhug Press. The book includes an introduction by Mathieu Arsenault and beautiful cover [...]
Caroline Lavoie’s French translation of Danny Ramadan’s La Balançoire de jasmin (Mémoire d’encrier) was launched during Pride Montreal on August 16th as part of the Festival Fierté MTL [...]
Anne McLean’s English translation of Juan Gabriel Vásquez's The Shape Of The Ruins (Quercus, MacLehose Press) has been shortlisted for 2019 Man Booker International Prize. The shortlist was selected [...]