LTAC is pleased to co-sponsor, with Western University’s Department of Languages and Cultures, a conversation between student member Alexandra Irimia and Edinburgh-based publisher Carolina Orloff (Charco Press). Members will be familiar with Charco’s critically-acclaimed 2017 publication of Ariana Harwicz’s Die, My Love, co-translated by LTAC member Sarah Moses.
In his book The Genesis of Secrecy, Sir John Frank Kermode referred to translators as “border crossers” and likened them to the mythical figure of Hermes. Inspired by his insight, this event aims to cross the thin border between academic research and the contemporary book industry, connecting literary-minded graduate students (who may already cross cultural and linguistic borders in their projects) with active professionals working in the field.
The live Q&A session is taking place on Wednesday, July 21st — 10 – 11am EST, 3 – 4pm BST.
Dr. Carolina Orloff is an author, translator and scholar who has been working on research projects studying the literature, politics and culture of contemporary Argentina. At the end of 2016, together with Sam McDowell, Carolina co-founded CHARCO PRESS, an independent publishing house focused on the translation into English of contemporary Latin American literature. She acts as the director and main editor at the Press.
The Zoom virtual event is open to everyone interested. It addresses in particular, but not exclusively, Canadian graduate students in Arts and Humanities at Western University and beyond. A 35’ interview will be followed by a discussion based on questions from the audience.
The one-hour session will be moderated by PhD candidate Alexandra Irimia (Comparative Literature, Department of Languages and Cultures, Western University).
Bring your own questions and enter the conversation with a reputed literary professional!
Please RSVP at to receive the meeting details. A reminder will be sent to registered participants one day before the event.